Connecting Lawyers with Causes
We The Action is a community of nonprofit organizations and volunteer lawyers, working together to advance social justice.
More than 45,000 lawyers have joined We The Action to apply their specialized skills and experience to more than 500 nonprofit organizations working on our nation’s most pressing problems — protecting voting rights, advocating for racial justice, defending immigrant communities, advancing gender equity and reproductive rights, and more.
More than 45,000 lawyers have joined We The Action to apply their specialized skills and experience to more than 500 nonprofit organizations working on our nation’s most pressing problems — protecting voting rights, advocating for racial justice, defending immigrant communities, advancing gender equity and reproductive rights, and more.
Nonprofit partners
Our Impact
We The Action connects its nonprofit partners with lawyers eager to provide the legal support they need — totally free of charge.
Lawyers provided volunteer legal support
Hours Donated
In Pro-Bono Services
People Make it Possible
Anna Chu
Executive Director
Beth France
Director of Partnerships
Katie Waldo
Director of Community Impact
Amrita Singh
Director of Nonprofit Partnerships
Victoria Gomez
Associate Director of Partnerships
Oakey Daskas
Assistant Director of Community Impact
Sara Wilson
Associate Director of Attorney Engagement & Recruiting
Support We The Action
Donate now to help We The Action ensure that nonprofits around the country have the volunteer legal power needed to thrive.