Change Collective, Initiatives, News

34 Changemakers in Memphis and San Antonio Selected for Leadership Network to Solve Problems on the Community Level

Washington D.C.Today, the Change Collective announced their 2024 Fall Cohort of changemakers in Memphis, Tennessee and San Antonio, Texas. Created to connect, elevate and train local leaders across the country, the Change Collective is gradually expanding its reach in cities all over the nation. Members of the Change Collective will have access to training opportunities, leadership development and a wide network of mentors. By focusing on bridging divides and solving problems at the community level, the initiative works to increase connectivity and civic leadership. This diverse and dynamic group of rising leaders are dedicated to making an impact in their communities through neighborhood-based Civic Action Plans. 

In Memphis, incoming Cohort Member Dr. Mary McConner has over fifteen years of experience in the diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) space and the international education sector. Now, she’s an award-winning entrepreneur as the Founder and CEO of Inclusive Excellence Consulting. Through her Civic Action Project, Dr. McConner will work to close the racial, wealth and opportunity gaps in Memphis through financial literacy and entrepreneurship education in underserved communities. 

In San Antonio, Jonah Espinoza is a second-year student at the University of Texas at San Antonio and deeply committed to advancing educational equity for young people in Texas. To address the challenge of student retention at colleges in San Antonio, his Civic Action Project will involve creating a city-wide community engagement initiative around student postsecondary success, including information sessions hosted by students, social media campaigns, and data collection.

Next week, on September 4, the latest Fall 2024 Cohort Members and the Winter 2024 Cohort from Detroit, Chicago, and Jackson will all gather in Jackson, Mississippi for a National Change Lab. This convening will feature over 100 emerging leaders across five cities along with a keynote conversation, breakout sessions and intentional engagement opportunities with the Change Collective’s partners, stakeholders and supporters.

“It’s an honor to welcome this exceptionally committed group of changemakers from Memphis and San Antonio to our network,” said Change Collective Executive Director Dexter Mason. “I can’t wait to see the long-lasting impacts these leaders will make on their communities as they bring their passion and expertise to the table. As our network continues to work together across even more states, political divides, and industries, our Cohort Members are modeling the way toward a more connected, civically engaged and understanding society.”

Of the Cohort of 34, 64% identify as persons of color and 59% identify as women. Additionally, 64% of members are younger than 36 and 38% are 30 years old or younger. This group of changemakers includes: 

  • Financial social workers integrating mental and financial health to drive holistic community wellness.
  • Community organizers building grassroots power in education and justice issues.
  • Advocates focused on increasing access to resources in finance, education, healthcare, climate change, housing, food, technology, and sports.
  • Leaders of organizations working to maximize their community impact.

Learn more about the individual stories and work of all 34 inaugural cohort members here. Members of the media interested in speaking with the leadership of the Change Collective or a cohort member should email


ABOUT the Change Collective: 

The Change Collective is a dynamic leadership community created to train, connect and elevate local changemakers in communities across the country. The Change Collective develops local leaders, helping them bring people together, bridge divides, and solve problems at the community level. Local cohorts are composed of leaders representing a range of identities, backgrounds, vocations, and ideologies. Members of the Change Collective have access to training opportunities, leadership development, and a wide network of mentors both locally and nationally. The Change Collective is an initiative of Civic Nation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Learn more here.


ABOUT Civic Nation:

Civic Nation is a nonprofit ecosystem for high-impact organizing and education initiatives working to build a more inclusive and equitable America. Civic Nation shifts culture, systems, and policy by bringing together individuals, grassroots organizers, industry leaders and influencers to tackle some of our nation’s most pressing social challenges. Civic Nation is home to seven national initiatives and campaigns: ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge, Change Collective, It’s On Us, Save On Clean Energy, SAVE On Student Debt, We The Action, and When We All Vote. Learn more here.